Order of the Silver Moon Knights

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Prior to the birth of the Silver Moon Empire, the Order was little more than a mercenary army who sold their services to the highest bidder. As often as not, they were in the hire of the Circle of Six, who paid them to police the roads and to patrol the borderlands. Though their forces were spread across the various domains of the Archmagi of the Circle, they still kept a certain common loyalty amongst themselves. Each man in each unit knew that they were part of something larger, rather than being disparate bands of mercenaries. Their cohesiveness was to be put to the test as the 12th century of the Unified Year drew to a close.

It is uncertain when the group was originally established. Led by Yunic Proudour, membership in 1175 surged to nearly 200 and continued to grow swiftly. In 1185 Proudour was killed in battle in Xieng Khouang, Southern Oceanuus, and the company was taken over by Cornelius Dreven (then age 20) after defeating Half-lo raiders. Dreven was an enterprising young officer when Icaruss ap ol Ithgath first came to the notice of the populous. As things began, slowly at first then more quickly as time passed, to spiral out of control, he proved his mettle time and again, until he gained the position of General of the Silver Moon Knights. And none too soon, it turned out, because shortly afterward Icaruss began his march on a small tavern in western Luminii. Though he did not yet understand the significance of that tavern (and the Northern Portal), Cornelius Dreven began maneuvering his troops to intercept the army of the mad mage.

On the morning of 30 Soothcool 1200, Cornelius Dreven led his army of soldiers - his own mercenaries together with elves, dwarves, and even undead - into battle against Icaruss's army, which was made up of troops from the Badlands... goblins, trolls, dark dwarves, and giants as well as elves and humans. Icaruss was winning the war and was one mile from taking the Northern Portal when, single-handedly, Cornelius struck him down. Icaruss was killed when the first ray of sunlight struck the land that morning, and thus the conflict was named The Battle of Dawn's Early Light.

Before this time, Cornelius's army was not particularly knightly, and some of the members of the group actually engaged in some rather dubious deeds. However, when Cornelius became emperor he named his standing army the 'Silver Moon Knights.' They have since evolved into a truly knightly order with a strong code of honor.

With the death of Emperor Tumian at the hands of the Klockwork Master, the Silver Moon Knights were offered the opportunity to swear allegiance to the new regime. Those who did not were subject to being hunted down and executed. Many sought refuge in the great Fort Wantlokin in the Skall Mountains. Some remained at their posts at Fort Klimteg in Arboria or in Cloosidian, out of the reach of the Klockwork Army. Still others went into hiding. For years they remained concealed, constantly waging a guerilla war on the Klocks and trying to find a way to reestablish the Drevens on the Imperial throne. The rebellion they'd waited for came at last. In Luminii the Knights at Fort Wantlokin joined the efforts of rebels in that region and successfully defeated the Klocks. Some time later, in 1274 on the anniversary of the Festival of Dawn's Early Light, Rebels, aided by the Silver Moon Knights, staged a coup against the Klockwork Regime in Shadokhan. The days of the Klockwork Empire came to an end.

The Knights were free again at last, but it was in a world much changed. With no Dreven on the throne to follow, the Silver Moon Knights had to find new purpose. As turmoil embroils the remains of the Silver Moon Empire, the Knights still fight for the Empire and for the people, and they still hold to their high ideals -- a neutral, independent force to be reckoned with...

Knight's Oath:

To protect and serve the Empire.

Code of Conduct:

Code of Knighthood: A Knight of the Silver Moon shall not steal, cheat, lie, or murder. It is a Knight's duty to protect all lands appertaining to the Empire and the people therein that declare loyalty to the Empire. It is a Knight's duty to preserve all property of the Empire and its loyal subjects from any who may threaten it, from within or without. It is a Knight's duty to preserve peace and order within the lands of the Empire and to ascertain that any order of the legally accepted regional leadership is carried upon all the lands, so far as it falls within the Knights' Code of Ethics.

Code of Loyalty: A Silver Moon Knight is a knight at all times, whether they are in uniform or not, and their conduct must be beyond reproach at all times. A Knight shall obey and follow all orders of his superiors and will not take any actions that may contradict the will and intent of his superiors. Any orders disobeyed can be disciplined at the superior's discretion, with the likelihood that formal charges will be made to the Knight Court.


During the Silver Moon Summit of Goldfall 1275, the ranks were reorganized as follows:
SMK General Lord General: The Commander-in-Chief of the Knights of the Silver Moon in direct charge of all the majors.
SMK Major Major:
One in command of each fort and others in charge of other installments or strongholds as needed.
SMK Captain Captain:
Each fort has several Captains, acting as battalion commanders or special unit commanders.
Lieutenant Lieutenant:
Acts in the position of company commanders, or as special unit or platoon commanders.
SMK Sergeant Sergeant:
Acts as platoon leader(s), advising the lieutenant. Also serves in staff positions, as squad leader, and carrying out mission tasks in the absence of a more senior officer.
SMK Trooper Trooper:
The rank and file of the Silver Moon Knights.
SMK Squire Squire:
(non-ranking knights-in-training)

Solar Knights:

SMK Solar Knight Solar Knight:
A Solar Apprentice gains the title of Solar Knight when his healing abilities are sufficient to pass the tests set forth by the Solar Knights under whom he studies. In peacetime, Solar Knights manage the training and placement of Solar Apprentices, and are on staff to the Fort Commander. In wartime, Solar Knights set up field hospitals as well as entering the battle to heal, aid the combatants, and recover the wounded. There are usually one or two Solars at each fort, depending on how many troops are present. There are no Solar Knights serving as Fort Commanders, as this would hinder their duties as a Solar Knight. If a Solar Knight were to be promoted to Major, however, his duties will be those of Major, not of a Solar Knight.
SMK Solar Apprentice Solar Apprentice:
A Solar Apprentice is any Silver Moon Knight found to possess the 5th Gift. They are sworn in as members of the Solar Order of the Silver Moon Knights, and then begin their training. They must do this in addition to their normal duties and missions, as they are still within normal units, so as to have their abilities easily at hand. They are trained in both Solar Magic, and basic and advanced first aid techniques. They are inserted into regular line units, where they serve as line-medics and learn from other Solars of higher rank and expertise.

For more information about Solar Knights, see Solar Knights.

For a look at the historical rank lists, see Knights of the Silver Moon Empire in the Imperial Library


Before a prospective Silver Moon Knight can begin training, he or she must first be recruited. Wantlokin and Ubolutiin both have a Recruitment Officer who handles taking applications. Special Recruitment Officers in the field also search out likely prospects from among both the common and the nobility.

Possible recruits are interviewed by the Recruitment Officer, and if deemed suitable are passed onto the Training Cadre for testing.


Testing is a tenday process, during which the recruit is tested for many qualities. Needed qualities for a recruit to be accepted are dedication, integrity, loyalty, honor, courage, respect, a sense of duty, selfless service and justice. Also tested for is physical fitness, capability to complete the necessary training. The exact methods of testing vary, but there is a general guideline which is followed for all testing.

Initial Orientation: Generally, the recruit is settled into temporary barracks on the Fort's grounds, normally situated near the stables (but with Knights scattered throughout the regions in a variety of circumstances sometimes travel to one of the main forts might not be possible). Explanations of what is to happen over the course of the next tenday are made, but kept vague. The only thing that is made crystal clear is that the possible recruit may leave AT ANY TIME.

Trials: During the week, the recruit is made to perform the most arduous, unpleasant tasks possible. The bad parts of life as a Silver Moon Knight are emphasized, and the recruit is constantly hammered with unexpected questions of all sorts. The purpose of this is to determine if the recruit has the determination necessary to enter the Order of the Silver Moon, as well as glean insight on how the recruit thinks and feels about certain various issues, by forcing them to answer the questions when mentally drained and off guard. This will continue daily, from sun-up to sun-down until the final day of the training.

Crucible: This is the final phase of the testing. The recruit is pulled out of their daily activities, and given a task. This task varies, but always includes certain elements.

  • A secret, which the recruit must carry, but not attempt to discover; (a note, or a package, usually).
  • Apparent physical danger to the recruit.
  • A time limit.
  • Moral dilemmas presented along the way.

This task is always virtually impossible to accomplish. If the recruit does succeed, he or she will be informed that they failed regardless, and sent back to the Recruitment Officer to report their failure. This is an equally crucial part, perhaps more so than the Crucible itself. Either way, the recruit must return to the Recruitment Officer, if they do, then they have passed. If they do not, then they fail.

Once the testing is finished, the successful recruit is given a small but very personal and very formal ceremonial induction into the Order of the Silver Moon, and they are sworn to secrecy about the testing methods, other than to say they are very difficult.

Basic (or "Readiness") Training:

The initial period of training lasts for three cycles and involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline: the Knights of the Silver Moon have to be the best. Even the lowliest Trooper is a more than proficient warrior. Also, friends made in Basic Training are made for life, due to the shared hardships.

Specific descriptions of Basic Training are not permitted, in case this document falls into the hands of some bleeding heart courtier. Suffice to say that most of the horror stories you might have heard are more than likely true. However, the number of casualties at Drill Instructor's hands is vastly, vastly exaggerated. The Drills do NOT kill their trainees. Anything short of that, however...

Like all training, the trainee is permitted to leave at any time.

During training, the trainee's aptitudes are determined for when (if) they complete their three cycles of Basic Training.


Once Readiness Training is completed, the new squire is assigned to a Knight of the rank of lieutenant or above, and more specific training ensues. It is here that the individual learns the Knight's Codes and the history of the Order, practices horsemanship, is taught the care and wear of armor, and refines the use of weapons and the skills required of a Knight. Squires also accompany Knights on the battlefield, leading and tending the horses, assisting with armor and weapons, and otherwise caring for their Knight.

There is no specific time limit on how long one might be a squire, but the process generally lasts from three to five years, by which time one is either ready for promotion or no longer worth the cost of training and is released. Sometimes knighthood is conferred on a squire earlier than usual as the reward for bravery on the battlefield. Coming under fire during fights, it is not unusual for a squire to be killed doing their duty.


The aptitudes and interests discovered during Basic Training are furthered during their Squiredom.

Some Placement Fields include:

  • Dragoons (light armor and horse, hand-to-hand weapons, archers/crossbowmen)
  • Lancers (heavy armor and horse, pole-type weapons)
  • Archers (longbows)
  • Scouts
  • Investigative Corps
  • Solars (healers)
  • Infantry*

On an everyday basis Silver Moon Knights are, like modern military units, rotated between training, field patrols, and garrison (city) duty.

(*Note: The numbers devoted to Infantry have been reduced, but this branch of the Order remains and is particularly useful in mountainous area where it would be impossible to use horses.)


Finances (or the lack thereof) have made a definite mark on the traditional pristine appearance of the Knights. Unifying colors and armor mostly disappeared during the Klock Regime, replaced by whatever was available and affordable. To mark themselves as members of the Order, a great number of Knights adopted the practice of wearing a blue armband. In order to reestablish their image and promote morale, the Summit of 1275 put forth a set of standards which are as follows:

Everyday Garb: Shirt and/or tunic of dark blue, pants or breeches of dark blue, a white armband (to be worn on the right arm, knotted at the back) displaying rank insignia.

Dress Garb: Dark blue tunic and pants (trousers, hosen), calf-length white surcoat blazoned front and back with the moon-and-stars symbol of the Order, white armband (to be worn on the right arm, knotted at the back) displaying rank insignia.

Battle Garb: Same as everyday, but with shorter white surcoat blazoned front and back with the moon-and-stars symbol of the Order worn over armor.

Rank Insignia: A shield-shaped badge as shown above in Ranks.

Forts and Outposts:

HISTORY: During the height of the Silver Moon Empire, the Knights occupied fortresses in each region (excepting Balthazor, because of a treaty between Irmaa Vep and Cornelius Dreven). Fort Wantlokin in Luminii was the largest, followed by Ubolutiin in Shadokhan, Denebrul in Southern Oceanuus, Cloosidian (see "Cloosidian" below), the Rock of Duval in Thermador, and Klimteg in Arboria. In the aftermath of the fall of Silver Moon Empire, Fort Klimteg reverted to Arborian control, and Fort Denebrul was mostly destroyed by the tidal wave of 1263 and then abandoned..

Note: while these are some of the more notable strongholds, the list is by no means all-inclusive...

  • Ubolutiin, Fort (Shadokhan):
    The second largest fort in the realm, Fort Ubolutiin is located near the center of the capital. It is currently under the jurisdiction of Steward Rafael Dolek. One quarter of the fort (along with necessary provisions) is dedicated to use by the Silver Moon Knights under the direction of Major Willam Lexington in exchange for assistance in the defense of Dreven and the surrounding areas. Lieutenant Gordon Taneth serves on the Dreven Council of Advisors.

  • Port Marrwater (in Port Marrwater, Shadokhan):
    The site from which the Silver Moon Knights launched their attack against the Klockwork Army in Shadokhan. The Knights occupy a handful of large buildings in Port Marrwater, and have erected or otherwise strengthened the various defenses about the city. Currently the headquarters of Major Jordan Tegue.

  • Kinross (in Kinross, Shadokhan):
    Along the Cracked Pass, near the northern border, lies the town of Kinross and a nearby outpost formerly controlled by the Klockwork Army. It was taken over by a contingent of Silver Moon Knights, and is currently commanded by Captain Maher.

  • Wantlokin, Fort (in Luminii, at the eastern border):
    Commanded by Lord General Rane Thadael. Wantlokin has become the de facto headquarters of the Order of the Silver Moon and holds the largest population of Knights and Solars. The Lord General meets regularly with his Majors at his discretion here. Additionally, Knight Court Hearings for formal accusations against any of the knights and their charges are held here.

  • The Rock of Duval (in Thermador):
    The second smallest of all forts, commanded by Major Lann Dubhás, located on the top of a 500 ft mesa about 15 miles from Wadi Medani. Current population is about half-a-dozen.

  • Klimteg, Fort
    In Bitewind of 1277 Lord General Thadael and the Archmage of Arboria reached an agreement which would allow the Knights to return to Fort Klimteg under the command of Major Nathaniel Halabrad. Knights are also helping to patrol the Cracked Pass in that region.

  • Denebrul, Fort (Xieng Khouang):
    Commanded by Major Roland Sulziel, the fort has been abandoned and the Knights in Southern Oceanuus seemed to have disappeared completely from public view -- until the Silver Moon Summit in the autumn of 1275...

  • Further Still, Cloosidian:
    The original fort in Cloosidian is currently defunct, abandoned during the political strife in that region. However, there is a second fort located underground, built by the famed architect Taysàyad. It is here that the Dowager Empress Marinia Dreven is rumored to be staying. There are extremely few that are privy to the key that allows travel there through the portals.

  • Dalton, Luminii:
    A small town surrounded by a stockade, Dalton was turned over to the SMK when the Klocks were ousted by Orazio's Raiders (Fadefrost 1273). In the fall of 1276 it became the scene of uncertain rebel activity and was taken over by an army in command of a man named Kearney, then eventually retaken by Knights under the command of General Rane Thadael.

  • Morgaine, Fort:
    On the border between Shadokhan and Luminii in a critical mountain pass, control of this town has changed hands several times. The last time was in the Spring of 1277. The Silver Moon Knights freed the pass from the power-mongering Vangar and established a small fort built directly into the mountain. Commanding Officer: Captain Isorra Flynn


Note: This information is for players; please use discretion about what your character would know.

Before the coming of the Klockmaster, it was primarily the Solar Knights who worshipped the goddess Estrella. With the persecution of all the Knights at the hands of the Klock Army, desperation was turned to hope by the conversion of many to the Estrellan faith. Legends passed down by her followers name her sister-goddess to Nostrella.

In bringing their brother and sister Knights into the tiny but devout Estrellan community, the Solars required the same secrecy that had previously been preserved. Mention of the goddess to anyone outside the Order is strictly forbidden, and even amongst themselves they do not speak much of her in public. On those rare occasions, she is referred to by other names: the Daystar, the Vigilant Daystar, the Lady Knight, Morningstar (ironically) or Star of the Morning, and Lightbringer. She is, appropriately enough, associated with the sun, though she is not believed to be a sun goddess, and the Solars depict this connection in the use of their insignia, a stylized sunburst.

Worship of this goddess is not mandatory among the Knights, though many do so. However, any Knight who chooses not to follow the goddess is bound by the same vows of secrecy as those who do.

Notable Knights

General Jinhiol "Hawksbane" Niliahas (Retired) General Volaraine Shakar (Retired)
General Rane Thadael (Ft. Wantlokin)
Captain Hadius Pergaeron (Retired)
Major Willam Lexington (Ft. Ubolutiin) Major Jordan Tegue (Port Marrwater)
Major Nathaniel Halabrad (Kinross, Shadokhan) Major Lann Dubhás (Rock of Duval, Thermador)
Major Roland Sulziel (Oceanuus) Adrien Locke (M.I.A.)
Lt. Captain Jeriol Keayn (M.I.A.) Lt. Captain Julien Zyas (M.I.A.)
Andra McGregor (M.I.A.) Arya Lannister (M.I.A.)
Cravideous "Red Hands" Saerndakk (M.I.A.) Gylon Dorn (M.I.A.)
Joss Kiersaark (M.I.A.) Shane Corsair
Tamaa Vita Rowena Ereiash


For more information about the Silver Moon Knights, contact:

Major Will Lexington

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