An exotic name, to be sure... and it belongs to a delightful, if rather enigmatic, half-elfin lass. Slight in stature, with an almost tomboyish demeanor; she's no beauty, but she's quite presentable. Her most striking feature is long, pale hair woven into a thick braid that hangs
all the way down her back.
If you see her, she's likely behind the bar at the Crosswinds Tavern, an apron around her waist, a ready smile on her face for the patrons who come into her realm. Friendly, warm, polite, with a knack for remembering faces and favored drinks... but if you look into those green eyes for a moment, there's wisdom... no,
empathy... there that makes you think she's older than the girl she seems to be. Look quickly, for if she notices your scrutiny, she'll push that ever-straying lock of pale hair out of her face, the merriment will go back into her eyes and you'll swear you dreamt that world-weary look.
She doesn't volunteer much information about herself, but if you ask her, she'll tell you a bit. She's worked
behind a bar before, in an inn owned by her grandmother, in a land far distant from Lyran
Tal. A few months before she came to Lyran Tal in the fall of 1257 UY, her Gram passed away, and her uncle owns the
inn now. If you query her as to what brought her to Lyran
Tal, she might divulge her reason; she's searching for her father. You'll have to remember to ask her to elaborate on that sometime... because somehow, in the middle of your conversation with her, the subject changed or got sidetracked, and you just never got back to talking about
More backstory:
Soon after
her arrival on Lyran Tal, she met Iannon Destyranos and quietly
fell in love with the endearing Vivomancer. She rose to fame (or infamy) when she was put on trial
for accidentally using her Outlander powers to nearly burn a man
to death. As a result of the trial, she was required to wear a
small emerald in the middle of her brow, placed there by order
of Emperor Tumian Dreven, purportedly to control her powers
Zharyka made a trip to her
homeworld in hopes of learning more about her powers; she has been
closed-mouthed about what she discovered, if anything. Upon her return,
Icaruss, reigning in Tumian Dreven's body, flew into a rage, demanding she never
leave Lyran Tal again. Unbeknownst to Zharyka, the emerald on her forehead
had nothing to do with Psionics and everything to do with Icaruss being able to
scry on events within the Crosswinds Tavern. The emerald fell off and shattered a short time
before Icaruss Ithgath made known his return to Lyran Tal.
Sometime during Icaruss'
reign as Tumian Dreven, Iannon Destyranos had disappeared. Tumian/Icaruss
imtimated that if Zharyka behaved, Iannon would be safe. She did not
divulge her concerns over Tumian's behavior, but her obedience was for
naught; on Yearpass, Icaruss decided to announce his presence by raining
fire and destruction on the city of Dreven. Two-thirds of Taysayad
Keep was destroyed, including the dungeons where Zharyka believed Iannon
to be held.
Grief-stricken, Zharyka
nearly left Lyran Tal; the Fates found reason for her to stay, and in the
months that followed the Fire Rain, she formed a tenuous friendship with
Magistrate Arman Ban-Triam, Iannon's childhood friend. Mourning drew
them together, despite his role in her attempted murder trial, and over
the next two years they became close. Arman confessed his growing
affection for the half-elf, but her feelings for Iannon lingered, even
though he was presumed dead at Icaruss' hand.
On the fateful night that
the Crosswinds disappeared in a massive time-jump, Arman had just revealed
to Zharyka that Iannon still lived. Both the Magistrate and the
half-elf were caught in the time-jump and Zharyka's powers were subtly
affected by the incredible influx of raw magic. ;-)
ZHAIR-ee-kah Jeh-LAHL-duh-RAN Her native tongue is a rather
breathy, lilting language, spoken very quickly.