High in the towering canopy of the Sisabo dwell the diminuitive Fisthavin (fi-stha-vin), the Painted Wings. Roosting in the greatest of the mighty forest's trees, far above the river basins and marshes and jungle below, these bat-like people survive on the bountiful, varied, and changing harvest of fruit and nectar the Chilia'Malti offeres throughout the year.
The Fisthavin are three feet tall with wings spanning seven feet. Their bodies resemble flying foxes with a few differences. The wings have one great thumb on them for climbing, with the rest of the fingers stretched along membranous wings, but for activities requiring true dexterity, the powerful legs and clawed feet resembling hands are used. Fisthavin will often hang by their rat-like tails or a single foot while engaged in tasks, and more rarely by their wings claws.
A Fisthavins long tongue is sharp and rough, for grooming. The eyes are large and sharp, in shades of brown, the ears small and fox-like. Fisthavin fur and skin ranges from dark brown to black over most of the body, with a long mane. A fine sense of smell, sharp eyes, and excellent memory help guide them to their favored foods, and keep track of what is in season and what is not.