Life Drake

Diji'ta'ujora'lurr: "The Great Serpent"


Range: The Badlands

Physical Appearance: The Life Drake is an enormous, serpentine creature that travels the vast Badlands by winding its way along much like a snake. Its hide is covered in smooth scales with a pearlescent glow and it has legs and wings, but few would ever know this from its appearance. From years of traveling on its belly over various terrain, earth, plants, and seed have collected on its hide in a tangled blanket of vibrant foliage.

The vivomantic aura the life drake emanates causes the plants adhered to its hide to grow, and as they are scattered by its movement, they take to whatever arable land they come in contact with. The path of the life drake is sometimes easily viewed, as it leaves behind flourishing greenery wherever it goes, often including plants quite foreign to the terrain. But once the drake passes, the growth of these plants is dependent wholly on their adaptation to the environment and if too harsh they will wither away.

A secondary effect of the Life Drake's aura of vitality is its healing. It vitalizes the plants it leaves behind, and those who partake of them immediately find weakness and minor ailments disappearing. Those brave enough to come within a few yards of the drake even find their illnesses healed. And it is rumored that those foolish enough to lay their hands directly on the drake or come into direct contact find themselves healed of any ailment ... even death.

Few are foolish enough to make the attempt, as the Life Drake, although tolerant of bystanders, will still eat whatever food it can find, including sentient creatures. It is not fond of company, but it is occasionally curious about the lands it visits and will briefly chat up locals clear-headed enough to deal with it.


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