All the News of Lyran Tal | 09/04/1277 |
Silver Moon Knights Occupy Morgaine PassMorgaine, Shadokhan - During the course of the winter, Morgaine Pass on the border between Shadokhan and Luminii once again became the scene of a play for power. A soldier named Vangar, aspiring to be a warlord or perhaps even a baron, laid claim to the area -- critical to trade -- and moved himself and a small army in. As the pass was snowed in, the full affect of his position was not felt until Spring, when he began charging massive tolls on caravans traveling between Shadokhan and Luminii. The Knights have been close-mouthed about the particulars, but it is rumored that Amorina Stoneheart was involved in the task of reclaiming the mountain village. During the operation, knights posing as common soldiers replacing Vangar's winter-weary men were moved into place inside Morgaine. Another company of knights, supplemented by an undisclosed number of soldiers from the Shadokhan Army, moved into place outside of Morgaine. On the 25th of Sunshare, the knights staged their 'seige.' With support already on the inside, the fight was brief and casualties below what was expected. Vangar was killed in the action and his officers arrested. Morgaine Pass remains in the hands of the Silver Moon Knights under the direction of Captain Isorra Flynn. When asked if the knights intend to fortify the oft-contested area, the captain replied that it was a possibility. Citizens of both Shadokhan and Luminii can now rest assured that the free exchange of goods will proceed without interruption -- and without exorbitant tolls. Mongo the SmithDoes your horse need new shoes? Arts and EntertainmentEnjoy the last warmth of summer evenings as you listen to the mesmirizing voices of 'Thirds,' a group comprised of the delightful brothers Barnaby and their lovely contralto companion, Calandra Taban. Their range of material and vocal abilities elevate their music to the very heavens. Not only does Thirds sing, but they also include poetic readings in their performances. Shows nightly on the side lawn of the Dreven Theater until 19 Soothcool. During the cycle of Soothcool the Dreven Theater is also playing host to several traveling troupes, who will perform such plays as The Hedgehogs, The True Completely Fake Tale of Tumian Dreven, Chickenbone Chair, and King Kale. A complete list of offerings can be found at the theater itself. Not to be outdone (or overlooked), the Crosswinds Tavern Acting Troupe will finish out the summer season with A Bard, A Board, with Bub Jones in the lead role as the portly, wine-imbibing songster who can't really sing, searching for the perfect inspiration for the perfect song to launch his perfect career. Look for other famous locals, such as Angelique Sadani (The Inspiration), Mongo the Smith (The Inspiration's lamentably forgetful father who always seems to have a puppy or a kitten in his pocket), and the legendary Madame Foo. An archery contest will take place on Bentley Green outside the north wall of the city on the 12th of Soothcool. Sponsored by Lord Algernon Seldrin, first place will be a prize of ten gold. Interested participants should contact Lord Algernon's man, Quentin Shipley, at Seldrin House in the city. General's Son
Steward Dolek, Or Is It Steward Streylan?Dreven, Shadokhan - While Baron Streylan is roaming the countryside dealing with upstart warlords, attempting to consolidate the army, reclaiming and reconstructing forts, and promoting courts to try the captured warlords, rumors abound as to what the Steward of Dreven is doing. Many seem to think that Raphael Dolek has done little in his role, leaving the shoes of Emperor Tumian Dreven - or the Klockwork Mistress - however you look at it, completely empty. One can sympathize with him about his lack of staff with Celes Dunhold replaced as Captain of the City Guard and presumably dismissed from her advisory position, the loss of Reed Thay's family taking him away, Kendra Rulyar leaving the Steward after a disagreement, and Baron Streylan too busy running about the countryside to do much advising. In addition, it has been rumored that Baron Streylan has had to take time away from his duties as General in order to play the diplomat, and is attempting to smooth over matters with the S'oshan King, Kili Bashar. Is the Steward taking advantage of the Baron Streylan, or is the Baron stepping in to fill those empty shoes? The Steward has fostered growing trade relations with other regions, particularly Cloosidian and Thermador. Their representatives being much more attractive than the six foot Half-lo from the islands (who is rumored to be the cause of turbulent waters between King Bashar and Steward Dolek), one can't blame the Steward for putting his interests in those regions rather than the islands. And what is the opinion of the people? Is the Steward capable of filling the shoes left for him, and simply delegating as one with so many responsibilities should? Or perhaps Baron Streylan is a better fit, having at least one shoe on already with all that he does? Let's hear it. Send your thoughts to the Gazette for a chance to have them published in the next issue.
Gideonn'sFine Cabinetry, Joinery and Luthier's - Now featuring specialty woods from Southern Oceanuus! Available by order: Come see our fine display.
Voice of the StewardSeveral ex-Klock traitors have been discovered and executed due to the combined efforts of the SMK and the army. The fight to prevent a civil war continues. Four new barons have offered their fealty to Shadokhan and the ruling leadership: » Baron Davin of Whitelark Your servant,
Treason - On 4 Warmgrow, six members of a group Klockwork supporters were publically executed for treason against the state. Based in Vaille, they were discovered to be collecting both weapons and Dreven army uniforms with the intent to undermine the present government. Three attacks on the local citizens can be linked to them, including the murders of six soldiers stationed in the area. Steward Dolek attributes their capture to the hard work of the Silver Moon Knights who have been working tirelessly to discover the culprits. An additional five Klockwork soldiers met their deaths on 13 Meridian after being apprehended north of the city in a meeting house that had come under the watchful eye of the Silver Moon Knights. In addition to the arrests, uniforms, weapons, supplies and a small collection of medallions sporting the familiar - and illegal - Klock symbol were also recovered. By order of the Dreven Guard - panhandlers are restricted to the outer city gates. Anybody caught begging inside the city or near the Market will be arrested.
Tavern Gets a New NameThe run-down Tavern formerly known as the Hammered Nail finally managed to find a new owner and a new name. The Rude Unicorn is said to open in the next tenday and its new Proprietor is Adron Ta'al of the Black Wolf Company. One should not expect a big change in the décor or food offered in the tavern, since it will most likely cater to the more 'down-to-earth' crowd in Dreven. As for nightly entertainment, it was said one should look towards the soon-to-be-installed fighting ring. Master Ta'al promises us watching staged fights should be just as much fun as listening to a Bard. We wouldn't be caught dead in this tavern.
Dozens Killed
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Oceanuusians Making WavesAikiliano Bashar is not a man to waste time. In less than a year he's taken back the throne that was stolen from him; ended local slave trade; cleaned out two nests of rebel vipers; reestablished the house of barons; arranged for the safe venting (and subsequent monitoring) of Mt. Mana'o; secured trade agreements throughout Shadokhan, Balthazor, and Cloosidian -- with Thermador hovering in the wings and Luminii rumored to be involved in talks as well; married his general; struck an alliance with the local Irjelaani Mer; completed construction on the Wall; established permanent fortifications on the Big Island and encouraged the same from his barons; begotten a son and rebuilt his personal residence. And what else would the Crimson King call his new abode but 'Crimson House'? The new royal family -- with the queen obviously and unabashedly well into her pregnancy -- moved into the unpretentious citadel on the 13th of Sunshare. A substantial portion of the edifice is given over to administration, which suffered only a brief interruption of services as records and supplies were moved from the Maze and other temporary offices. A tenday later, the king and queen hosted a gathering of the barons and influential members of the S'oshan community. Popular? Yes, and no. Those who are - or might be - powerful in the island hierarchy do not make any secret about courting the favor of the king, and there are already many trying to curry favor with Ashoken in the hopes that she might further their causes when they don't have immediate access to Kili. On the other side of the equation are those who have crossed the Butcher King. Traitor's Wall (not to be confused with the plain 'Wall' that is the barrier standing between the wharves and the city proper) is stained a rusty red with the lives of those who have betrayed king or country. Latest to meet their demise are the trio of men and their female accomplice known as 'The Bird.' The local phrase that sums up their fate is 'caught with their hands blue.' Though not the first Glee dealers to be caught and heaved over the edge of the cliff, they were certainly among the loudest. The group proved particularly difficult to track down and apprehend, and their eventual capture within the depths of the Drip led to a fire that destroyed a score of homes and wounded an uncertain number of people. While this troublesome group has been dealt with, as well as several others, there are still unknown quantities of Glee circulating on the mainland. Despite relentless efforts to curb the drug trafficking condoned and supported by the Devvol twins, no less than thirty-seven deaths during the course of the season have been attributed to Glee overdoses in Shadokhan alone. In a brighter vein, the birth of Prince Siaki Man'e'iani Bashar (already known as 'Iani') was celebrated throughout the islands with noisy, colorful festivities that lasted for several days. The fortuitous birth occurred on the first of Fadewarm and the family is reported as doing well. Cloosidian UpdateWhile the region of Cloosidian is being as closed-beak as ever about that status of relations within the region, it has come to our attention that one of the counsel members has become quite popular around Dreven. Soriah Klierbreze, the newest and youngest counsel member to Archmmage Sparfilt, has been making friends with the Steward, his daughter, and Baron and Baroness Streylan. She has been heard speaking of turmoil within the region. The wind region has always been tumultuous to say the least, but could it be that the region has taken a turn for the worse and Counselor Klierbreze is seeking help? She has been seen coming and going from Taysáyad on a regular basis, and it has been confirmed that trade talks are in progress. Meanwhile, the Khel'de'Rhe, King Querawlk's own guard, have been cracking do wn on security in the mountains. Stragglers traveling through the region, particularly around the area of Black Stone Mountain, are being taken for questioning. Speaking to one of the said stragglers it was learned that there has been some unexplainable violence in that part of the region, and a possible threat to the Archmage himself. If you plan on travelling through the region any time soon, as always, we recommend safety in numbers. It has also been confirmed that Soriah Klierbreze is not the only Counsel Member taking leave of the region, but also that Jarz La Frenz has taken up residence in Oceanuus as an ambassador. Jarz La Frenz was relocated to the islands not long after Kili Bashar and Archmage Sparfilt met behind the closed doors of a private dining room at one of Wanasonda's more prestigious restaurants. It can only be assumed that either an agreement was reached between the two leaders, or that Jarz was sent to finish crossing the T's and dotting the I's. |
Arborian RustlingsTrade – The still ice-cold relations between Arboria and their neighbor in the east have not affected the trade between Arboria and Shadokhan. Goods are still moving at designated border crossings and for the first time Balthazorian and Arborian Ships have crossed paths in Shadokhans port cities on the west coast without the anticipated fight. Captain Tihr Lahn was spotted not only on the coast, but also managed to visit Dreven for a brief visit. Who is related to whom?- Slowly, more news begins to trickle across the border from the north. The High Druid Rivervale has spent the hot summer days in seclusion while the rift between the Druids is starting to widen by the minute. The new movement in the south of Arboria is starting not only to grow in numbers, but also is gaining momentum. Cennebrae was shocked by the news that one of their new rising stars in the Elven Court is related to the Prophet of Namtar'Kur. The Elf Atash himself claimed blood ties with Keran Rulyar, a name that should ring a bell in Dreven since he is the older brother of no other then Kendra Rulyar, the former councilmember of the Steward of Dreven. Could this be the reason the Elf Kendra has suddenly reconnected with her brother and left Dreven? The mystery of the Pink Elf - For more than a cycle has Dreven wondered who had kidnapped the Arborian Ambassador right under the noses of the Dreven Elite. Many speculated the Balthazorian Ambassador had her fingers in the kidnapping for some time, but now they may be proven wrong. An eyewitness has finally come forward with new information that the Ambassador was last seen in the company of two male Elves. This of course raises the question whether the Archmage himself is behind this or if somebody is using the Ambassador as a bargaining chip against the Arborian Council or the Archmage Tequin. News from LuminiiThe Archon, Keldon Baraeros, is expected to spend parts of Meridian and Fadewarm traveling through some of the regions of the old Silver Moon Empire. While at least some of the trip will be for personal business, Baraeros will reportedly be meeting informally with a few regional leaders, landholders and merchant organizations to discuss trade. Meanwhile, Luminii's exports continue to increase, though they still have not reached Silver Moon Empire levels. The city of Dalton in northeast Luminii,was reportedly the site of a violent battle between Silver Moon Knights and a mercenary force. Details are not yet widely available, and Fort Wantlokin did not respond to a request from the Gazette for information. More on this story as details become available. This year's racing season in Curtienne and Vinorrico was even larger than last year, bringing in spectators and participants from across Hyathis. Participants from the Dreven area included Cait McGill and the Baron Streylan. The Galyn Winery is making it known that they are planning an autumn wine tasting festival. If you own a winery and would like to bring some vintages, or if you would like to volunteer as a judge, please contact Nadiya Galyn in Damansque. ThermadorNot too much has come out of the hot region of Thermador. Cuin's Fire has kept travel to a minimum through the desert. The new Archmagess is busy with improving her region's trade relations and reaching out to many of her counterparts. Baron Westin Knowles has yet to return from his holds in the desert and the latest rumor has it he is on a fool's errand to hunt drakes for the Archmagess so that the trade routes do not suffer from any attacks after the new contracts to the other regions are signed and in place. Southern Star
Rumors from BalthazorThe council of barons met in Balthazor for the summer session. Kamal Dreven, Captain of the Malcoven Guard and Baron Nekroli, made public the dissolution of his marriage to Baroness Nekroli, Tristiana Mikkhal. The Baroness retains her title, but her lands are forfeit as of 24 Meridian, 1277, according to Malcoven law. The Baron Nekroli has declared Lida Mennth to be his Baroness, and announced that he will marry her in a late Soothcool wedding. Lida Mennth, formerly of Sturrbith, has been the Baron's body guard for many years. The Baron also announced that Mennth had given him a son, Elazar Milan Dreven. The boy, now six cycles old, is Baron Nekroli's designated heir. It is unknown if that heir apparent will be legally considered in line to the throne of Drevens past. After these announcements were made at the Necropolis in Malcoven, the meeting was closed to the public. After hours of talks and deliberations, the council made known several of its latest decisions. Balthazor is establishing trade talks with Shadokhan. Baron Nekroli and Baron Malcus of Requiem have had contact with Steward Raphael Dolek by letter and in person. Taysáyad Keep hosted a visit from Baron Nekroli and the meeting went well. Baron Nekroli suggested that talks will continue and expressed his hope that trade would be established soon. Stof Tuomoija has been transferred from his family's ancestral home in Nearcoven to fill in as Adjunct for Baron Nekroli. Nekroli has declared his son as Baron Nearcoven and he moved his residence to the Necropolis. He stands now as Regent for Elazar Dreven. Sturrbith, Nekroli, Requiem and Etrauch stand behind Nearcoven and Baron Nekroli has the undead troops to maintain his hold on these lands. By decree of Nekroli Ambassadors have been appointed to the regions without and Passeador Noche's post has been filled by another temporarily. The list of new Ambassadors follows this article. "What this means is that Balthazor is not planning to go to war with Arboria as so many have speculated," Baroness Sturrbith commented after the meeting. "Baron Nekroli is looking to rule the region far more effectively than Renol Duval ever managed. Good relations with Taysáyad are a must and are clearly in the works. This may mean that good relations with Arboria are not far behind. I am certainly hopeful that our neighbors to the west may again cross our borders for trade and friendship. It would make my job far easier. Baron Nekroli has my full support." "With Sturrbith's sister soon to be Baroness Nekroli," an unidentified bystander said, "is it any wonder?" "Throughout the cold cycles, Baron Nekroli has made every effort to send our abundance of supplies to the struggling citizens of Shadokhan's northern border," Tuomoija said when asked for comment about the trade with Shadokhan. Supplies have and will continue to flow into Shadokhan. When asked how the supplies would get around both Arboria and Cloosidian, Tuomoija said he had no comment to make about that. Some speculate that ships are being used to transfer supplies along the coast with the withdrawal of aid to Arboria by Southern Oceannuus' King Bashar. It is certainly possible for Balthazorian ships such as the Mor'Bran - Captained by Kathryn MacEonin out of Requiem's Deathsong Port - to make the trip. The Mor'Bran has been sighted in ports as far south as Villisport and there was an unconfirmed sighting of her in Port Ethralest. Situation Wanted: A Respectable young woman from the country desires a situation as a Wet Nurse. Confinement was one cycle ago, and there is a good supply of milk. Address Mrs. Griggs, Lowell's Way Station, Terrell's Crossing. For Rent: Brook House. A country residence a candlemark's ride northeast of Dreven. Six acres of land. The premises are well-supplied with water from the nearby brook, and the house contains lofty sitting and dining rooms, kitchen, scullery, four large bedrooms on the second floor, and three small rooms suitable for the quartering of staff. Large garden in good condition. Fruit trees. A two-stalled stable, harness room, carriage shed. Live-in half-dwarf caretaker resides over carriage shed. Please inquire on premises for further details. Seeking Laundresses: Single ladies who thoroughly understand their work. Good character required. Apply at Sumi's Wash House, Balin Street, Dreven. |
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by Remus Vlad Dreven's summer was hot and humid. Time for us to keep track of who is burning the Midnight Sun, and who stared at the summer night sky with high hopes of a happy ending. Get yourself a Dreven Dew, find a shady spot and settle down for the real news of Dreven. Was That a Shriek in the Night?Once again the Crosswinds Tavern has managed to become the most entertaining spot for Dreven social life. The proprietor Asa needs to get the credit for adding Vellys and the Elven bard Xiph to the staff of the infamous drinking hole. Xiph Silvermoon, known not only to charm but also blind you with his colorful wardrobe, once again managed to not only entertain with his songs but also with his determination to become Dreven's first Wedding Planner. So far, the poor lad has more disappointments than successes. It may be his taste in Wedding Cakes. Unlike the rest of us, he enjoys creating his masterpieces out of cheese. Xiph should stick to his true calling, the serving of fabulous drinks, since he tends to try to bait the wrong women: the married kind. His dedicated peddling of the drink called 'Midford Shriek' has many new devotees. One of them, a pretty half-elf, whisked the Bard away the other night. Just who did he leave behind sulking in the dark? Who knows? Maybe soon one of his former patrons may see the need to hire him again. Marriages Come and Marriages GoLADIES!! Get out your best dresses! Bathe in sweet smelling soaps and primp your hair!! The handsome Baron Streylan is back on the market! Don't miss your chance at the area's most eligible bachelor! If you are considering a career as the next Baroness Streylan you must like children! Knowledge and love of horses is also a must! Skill in cooking and baking is a plus! It is rumored that the marital issues between Sherakai and his former wife, Danisia, began when he took the position of General of the Shadokhan Army. Perhaps Dani didn't like playing second fiddle to the Steward, the Army, the Silver Moon Knights, and various visiting dignitaries. Kai and Dani have been rather silent on the matter, but recently discharged and disgruntled employees have been rather vocal. The couple had some sort of disagreement that resulted in Kai leaving the keep and Dani spending several days in bed. One must wonder what happened to keep the Dreven candidate for Mother-of-the-year from personally attending to her children. Was she at death's door, or having a selfish, childish snit? Whatever it was, the final result was the dissolution of the marriage. The former Lady Streylan is apparently not taking the divorce seriously, as she still spends a lot of time at the keep. While it's understandable that she wants to be with her children, she really must get out of her delusional state and realize that it's over between her and Kai. It is likely that this state of mind contributed to the deterioration and eventual destruction of the marriage. Since the divorce, Dani has often been seen in public. More so than she had been when she was still married. Is it possible that she was using the children as an excuse to not accompany her husband to various events? A Legacy ContinuesSpeaking of the men of Streylan, it seems that the Baron's son, Liam, is a chip off the old block when it comes to charm and good looks! Liam was seen recently in the company of three lovely young ladies in the Crosswinds. Tavern sources say one was his sister, Kee, but the other two are relative newcomers to the Shadokhan. One was identified only as Faye, while the second has been found to be the visiting granddaughter of Kirin Lexington, Limele. Word is that Faye enticed Liam outside for a private chat and left Limele to her own devices. Faye might have had nefarious motives since she was followed not only by Liam but what appeared to be a companion or bodyguard. Available men are scarce enough in the tavern, is it really necessary to be greedy and try to run off with two at a time? Liam, however, was having none of that two-to-a-customer business and returned to see Limele home. What does his mother have to say about the company he's been keeping and his ale drinking? |
If It Glimmers Is It Really Gold?Looks like the Baron of Golden Lake's rising star is starting to look a little tarnished. Was it not just last year his name was whispered in fear around Dreven, and the high and mighty shivered in their boots at the threat of a mountain of a Man coming to Dreven to claim his right to rule the countryside? How many lasses were looking forward to be swept into the large arms of this Villain and be dragged off for a night they would never forget? Turns out he is no mountain of a man; rather he is slight of stature, polite and civil, with his only exotic feature being the slight point in his ears. His true passion is the fine food he can find in Dreven. All he ever tries to do is set up chaperoned dinner dates with younger women. Ladies, you will find more excitement in the latest Romance novels sold at the market, so stick to them. And to prove Romance is not only for the old... Sugar and Spice Are Not
Is Asa Selling the Crosswinds?Whispers about him getting an offer on the Crosswinds Tavern are flying all over Dreven. Who could be behind it? We tried to get some word from his daughter Abby and the new tender Vellys, but with no success yet. We will keep you posted, since a change in ownership may improve the service behind the counter. At least not everybody is willing to sell out for coins or extra attention because somebody managed to cheat us all out of a large social event. How I Was Cheated Out of Being a Flower GirlThe wedding that had the potential to be the event of the season was probably a grave disappointment to Dreven socialites. However, as one of the family was overheard saying, it was "Just like one of the pretty Twixt Tales." Major Lexington and his Lavender Lady finally tied the knot at the gates of Fort Ubolutiin. That seems about right given that the fort was the site of the now infamous incident concerning lavender scented letters. The bride wore blue to compliment her new husband's uniform. A good choice, however, since white would be inappropriate for a woman on her fourth marriage. Not to mention that the newlyweds already have two children! Rumors began to circulate when Kirin was seen speaking to one of the Dreven Magistrates a few days before the ceremony. The couple had been engaged for some time, but no date had been announced for the wedding. While they managed to keep things under wraps before the big event, the couple could not prevent interested persons from looking on as they exchanged vows and rings. The soldiers and knights managed to keep the road into the fort from becoming blocked by onlookers and passersby offering well wishes and just plain gawking. While the wedding itself was quite small, the after dinner reception was open to the Silver Moon Knights and Shadokhan Army. Apparently the Vexing Vixen missed her days of cooking at the fort and was making up for it! To wind up the pretty tale, the knight carried off his bride to his waiting steed and they escaped the crowd for some time to themselves. Say, What Is That Smell?Talking about escape artists, did anyone notice the new flower in the Crosswinds? The one going by the name of Faye? Yes, the same Faye who was trying to entice Liam Streylan. She may have the sweet smell of Honeyglove, but turned out to be bitter Sandweed. It did not escape our notice how quickly this young Lady warmed up to the Elf, Tihr Lahn, who not only is one of the more powerful and rich elves in Arboria, but also a former Pirate. Not too long before she made off with the Pirate Elf, she was seen getting rather cozy with Darius el Aris, yet another shady Character. Next, we found her fishing for Brom Stoneheart. Something makes me think that girl is after the money more then the man, while others have more honest intentions. Is She Really Going To Do It?Even with rumors flying that Asa wishes to sell the Tavern, his daughter may have other things on her mind. After her spending spree at Angelique's Fine Clothing, she has started another spree. The search for the perfect Innkeeper. She looks very pretty now that she has a new wardrobe and is paying attention to her hair and formerly heavy brows. And fellows, can she cook...! Disclaimer: The statements and opinions of our gossip columnist are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of The Dreven Gazette staff, the printers, advertisers, or other persons or businesses named herein.
Fishman and FishmanBarristers --- Quiet, discreet, professional --- The law is on your side. Inquire at 341b Dowager Street, Dreven |